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iStock/Richard Darko

Women now make up more than one quarter of Canada’s 1%, in terms of income, according to new data from Statistics Canada.

The national statistical agency reported that women comprised 25.4% of the top 1% of taxpayers in 2020 (earning at least $253,900), up from 24.7% in 2019.

Women also gained ground in the top 0.1% of taxpayers (incomes over $789,200), accounting for 18.8% of taxpayers in the category, up from 18.0% in 2019.

These improvements came against the backdrop of the onset of the pandemic in 2020, which saw incomes rise overall (average income increased 5.5% to $54,200) — thanks largely to unprecedented fiscal supports to offset the impact of the pandemic on economic activity.

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However, high earners saw their incomes decline in 2020, as the ensuing turmoil in financial markets had a larger impact on their income than the government wage supports.

StatsCan reported that average income for the top 1% declined to $512,000 in 2020, a decrease of 1.1%.

In particular, high-earning groups saw their incomes hit by hefty declines in dividend income, the agency said.

For the top 1%, dividend income dropped by an average $10,500 to $77,300 in 2020.

“The drop in dividends was even larger for filers in the top 0.1%, falling by $82,600 to $348,600, and the top 0.01%, dropping by $592,900 to $1,543,400,” StatsCan noted.

High-earning women fared somewhat better than high-earning men, with average income for women in the top 1% declining by 0.6% in 2020, compared with a 1.0% drop for men, the report said.

For women, wage and salary income rose by $2,600 in 2020, whereas it declined by $2,500 for men, StatsCan reported.

Women also reported higher average dividend income than men — $78,500 for women and $76,900 for men.

While the incomes of high-earning women held up better in 2020, they continue to lag men within the top 1%.

Average income for women in the category was $451,100 in 2020, compared with $532,700 for men.