With more than 600 ETFs in Canada, you can no longer ignore these products. On Oct. 3, 2018, Investment Executive co-hosted a half-day event to provide much-needed clarity on the benefits and challenges of using ETFs.
This event is now available for complimentary viewing across Canada via our Virtual Conference. Attend this educational summit to obtain CE credits. To join the virtual conference in order to earn CE credits, sign up here.
Thank you to our sponsors for making this national rollout possible.
Who should attend?
Sophisticated advisors who:
- are looking to improve the ways they already use ETFs, or
- want to learn about innovative ways to integrate ETFs into their practice
Why attend?
- Obtain exclusive insights into how Canadians perceive ETFs
- Learn investment strategies and hear portfolio construction tips from industry experts
- Attendees/Registrants can still network online. Set your profile to “Advanced,” and network with your peers
- Earn up to four CE credits from IIROC, FPSC and The Institute
Virtual conference
The ETF Summit has an online event portal, powered by Commersphere. Benefits of this portal include:
Earn CE credits. Watch videos of the event on the virtual conference and then do a quiz on CECorner.ca to finish earning your credits.
Networking. Find out who else from the industry is attending. And participate in forum discussions on all things ETF-related before and after the Summit.
Timely answers. Have a question or comment to share with the panelists? Submit them via the event portal.
Relevant resources. Visit our virtual booth resource hub to access videos, articles and much more.
To use Commersphere:
- If you did not attend the in-person event, go here to set up your complimentary profile. Otherwise, enter your email and password that you created at registration.
- If you forgot your password, please click on “Forgot Password?” and follow the instructions for next steps.
Questions? Email conference manager Anna-Christina Di Liberto.
Watch highlights of the live ETF Summit

Photos from the event
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Education partner:
Virtual booth sponsors:
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