Coordinating your online and offline marketing initiatives can strengthen your prospecting strategy.

Combining networking events with a social media channel, such as LinkedIn, says Sara Gilbert, founder of Strategist in Montreal, helps to streamline your follow-up plans and turn prospects into clients.

Follow Gilbert’s advice to harmonize your online and offline networking efforts:

> Do the research
Check out networking events and groups before joining.

“Especially in the virtual world, people will connect with anyone,” says Gilbert. “You have to make sure the events, the group, the people you’re connecting with are part of your target market.”

> Follow a common theme
Make sure your networking initiatives share similarities, whether it’s at an event or online.

When prospects check your LinkedIn profile, Gilbert says, they will be looking for consistency between your online and offline initiatives.

For example, if you work primarily with dentists and attend networking events related to the dental field, she says, make sure any groups you are connected to on LinkedIn are related to that profession.

As well, if you attend an event hosted by a specific group or organization that is represented on LinkedIn, it’s a good idea to join that group’s online network.

> Promote your activities
Use LinkedIn to promote networking events you attend.

Create a status update announcing your plans to attend a specific event or function, says Gilbert. Afterwards, write another update noting the success of that event and how much you enjoyed it.

“It’s additional visibility for you,” she says, “and people will have a greater sense of who you are.”

> Follow up with LinkedIn
Use live events to expand your online network.

When you meet a potential centre of influence or prospect at a networking event, says Gilbert, invite him or her to join your LinkedIn network.

“Adding [prospects and COIs] to your social network means they will see your name on a regular basis,” Gilbert says. “Also, it’s a way to keep in touch with them after a physical networking event.”