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Keyword: Dementia

19 results found
Judge looks at papers

Gift to son denied, as it wasn't specifically set out in POA

Senior couple

Credit data can help with early detection of memory-related conditions, research finds

Beautiful caucasian elderly couple in the park in autumn

Research finds links between financial knowledge, confidence and mental acuity

keyboard with hot key for estate planning

As the Canadian population ages, many advisors face difficult situations regarding POA

The proposed Adult Capacity and Decision Making Act would recognize the independence of adults with intellectual deficits

In a first for B.C., a court has invalidated the marriage of a woman with dementia and the will that benefited her husband

Added-value conversations: Preventing Alzheimer’s

Dan Richards discusses the No. 1 concern for baby boomers — developing Alzheimer’s (Part 1 of 4)

Apart from financial concerns, the greatest worry among clients is developing Alzheimer's disease and becoming a burden to their families. While Alzheimer's can't be prevented, clients can take steps to reduce the risks associated with this disease

Know how to handle the unique circumstances facing the various types of older clients who are still capable of making decisions but prefer help

Senior clients: Early warning signs of cognitive impairment

Daniel Marson, director, division of neuropsychology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, explains two early forms of diminished financial capacity in older adults that advisors must be able to identify.