Aileen Miga understands the importance of aligning goals with values. “When you orient yourself around your most authentic values, you’re more likely to make them a priority in your life,” she says.

With this philosophy in mind, Miga asks her clients to choose 20 values from a list of 100. The values — learn, build, adventure, beauty — aren’t intended to reflect morals or ethics, but, rather, to identify the things that are uniquely important to each client.

Next, Miga tells clients to eliminate all of the “shoulds” — the values they selected out of a perceived duty or obligation. From there, clients work to narrow the list to five core values that best resonate with their lives.

The exercise is the first step in helping clients uncover their most authentic selves, Miga says: “I help people understand that when they orient their lives around values, it leads to a greater sense of fulfilment. And in the end, most of us want a more fulfilling life — not just more stuff.”