The Autorité des marchés financiers announced that Danielle Boulet, the AMF’s superintendent, solvency, has been appointed chair of the Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators.

Boulet, who served as CCIR vice chair over the past two years, succeeds Michael Grist, deputy superintendent, insurance and pensions for British Columbia, who was appointed chair in April 2007.

“It is with enthusiasm that I step into this role with a commitment to move forward with the objectives set out in CCIR’s strategic plan so that we can pursue the development and implementation of harmonized regulation and enhance consumer protection, a task that is particularly essential given the current economic environment,” she said.

“It is critical for an organization such as CCIR to help strengthen financial market stability and foster efficient market growth. We must adapt to an ever-changing industry to ensure greater protection of consumers of insurance products and services,” Boulet added.