We’re all doing our part to slow the spread of the coronavirus. For many of us, that means changing our work location to minimize contact with others while continuing to serve clients.
If you’re working from home but your copy of Investment Executive (IE) is still going to the office, we can help. Just fill out this form and we’ll arrange to have your IE forwarded to a temporary address — most likely your home — until things return to normal. (And things will return to normal!)
This change of address would be effective for the next issue and continue until quarantine efforts are lifted. If you have any questions, email service@newcom.ca.
Meanwhile, browse IE’s print stories from past issues and update your newsletter preferences so you don’t miss important news.
While we’re on the subject, our website has lots of news, advice and insights on the Covid-19 pandemic and how it’s affecting our industry, and our world.
Thanks for doing your part to reduce the spread of the virus. And stay safe.
Sincerely, the IE team