Paying attention to even the smallest details of your appearance can leave clients and prospects with a positive impression of you — and of your business.

Your professional image is a combination of the messages you send through your appearance and your demeanour, says Anne Sowden, image specialist with Here’s Looking at You in Toronto. If your clothes are wrinkled or don’t fit, those details signal that you don’t sweat the details — whether it’s your clothes or a client’s portfolio.

Watch out for these five “image spoilers” to maintain a pristine professional image:

1. Ill-fitting clothes
One of the easiest ways to ruin your professional image is by wearing attire that is the wrong size.

Clothes that are either too big or too small —hanging awkwardly or revealing bulges — always look unprofessional. A shirt fits properly, Sowden says, when the shoulder seam sits right on the edge of your shoulder.

For women, Sowden adds, properly fitting dresses and skirts “just skim the body, without giving any idea of what’s underneath.”

2. Wrinkles
Always make sure your outfit is neatly pressed, especially your pants.

Some trousers, such as khakis, Sowden says, will always look a little rumpled by the end of the day because they are made of cotton — and that’s OK. You can always tell pants that started out the day properly ironed by the crease down the front.

3. Untucked shirts
Even on a slow day at the office, you should be careful not to appear too casual.

Wearing a shirt outside your pants, Sowden says, is “going out with friends” casual or “weekend” casual. It is not an appropriate for business casual.

Instead, always wear your shirt neatly tucked in and buttoned up. As well, have a suit jacket handy in case a client decides to drop in unexpectedly.

4. Sky-high heels
For women, leave the super-high pumps to Lady Gaga. They are not the right look for the office.

Generally, Sowden says, the heel should be no more than two to three inches. You should be able to walk across a room easily in your shoes without feeling you are about to fall over.

As well, she says, make sure the shoes are well maintained. They shouldn’t be peeling or have worn down heels.

5. Sloppy hair and nails
Get your hair cut regularly, says Sowden, who suggests making an appointment every six to eight weeks.

Also, she says, make sure your nails are always neat and clean. Women who wear nail polish must ensure it never looks chipped.