Keyword: Wealth transfer

45 results found
Helping millennials start saving

With this demographic’s net worth set to increase by 500% in the next 15 years, advisors will have to cater to the needs of this growing demographic, report suggests

A new RBC survey finds that those receiving wealth from inheritance — and those passing it on — could use some additional guidance about the way the process works

We’ve all seen the bumper sticker that reads: “I’m spending my kids’ inheritance.” It’s funny, right? Think again, states Toronto-based HomEquity Bank. According to the results of the 2016 Seniors’ Views of Inheritance survey recently conducted for that firm, a surprising 86% of Canadian seniors are unwilling to “forgo doing, achieving or acquiring something” in […]

  • By: Paul Brent
  • October 11, 2016 October 30, 2019
  • 23:55

Financial planners and financial advisors need to have a strategic plan to deal with the massive inheritance baby boomers will receive or risk losing AUM

Top taxfilers see incomes rise

Build relationships with the next generations of clients

Bequest boom will fuel Canadian wealth management

Benjamin Tal, deputy chief economist at CIBC World Markets Inc., explains why the $750-billion inheritance wave expected over the next decade will be saved —not spent — increasing the need for investment advice.

Advice needed on retirement income strategies, report finds

Navigating the variables that could affect clients’ inheritances

Although 28% of millennials in B.C. expect an inheritance of more than $300,000, only 8% of parents believe they’ll be able to leave that much for their children

As elderly clients die and leave estates for their children, financial advisors inevitably will lose some assets from their books, retain some assets and gain some. Here are steps you can take to keep those losses to a minimum and retain the heirs as your clients

Majority have not discussed inheritances with an advisor