Company: Mutual Fund Dealers Association

795 results found

New branding would replace existing logos by the end of 2024

magnifying glass

A review identified gaps in addressing conflicts associated with proprietary products


Panel concluded that rep was participating in proceeding anonymously

Gavel and Money - Canada stock photo

Rep fined, banned after borrowing from clients, misleading dealer

Business lawyer team. Working together of lawyer in the meeting.

The case can either proceed to a contested hearing or the two sides may seek a new deal


Tribunal finds that rep's interest in client's estate didn't result from a breach of securities law

Business lawyer team. Working together of lawyer in the meeting.

B.C. court strikes certain claims in rep's wrongful dismissal suit

On the Table Laptop Showing Statistics: Team of Politicians, Corporate Business Leaders and Lawyers Sitting at the Negotiations Table in the Conference Room, Trying to Come to an Agreement. stock photo

Dorothy Sanford, former head of MFDA IPC, heads new investor group

Grand opening, cutting red ribbon

The new agency's leadership is dominated by former IIROC personnel

Business lawyer team. Working together of lawyer in the meeting.

The firm will pay nearly $11 million in client compensation after reps boosted their own performance numbers