Home Newspaper Mid-January 2014

Mid-January 2014


Despite protestations, Bill Rice, chairman of the CSA, is skeptical about the need for major reforms to retail regulation

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CANADIAN FINANCIAL SERVICES INSTItutions are likely to be dealing with a new global financial information-sharing compliance regime as early as next year, as governments continue…

Real estate investment trusts drove the IPO market to $2.7 billion in 2013, almost double the figure of 2012 but about half of the $5.5…

Acquiring shares for cancellation can never be to gain income from the business, court says

Former Atlas Cold Storage CEO not allowed deduction for legal fees because they were not to protect income from business

Slimmed-down long-term care products are designed to appeal to cost-conscious clients

While Sprott Inc. hopes for a resources rebound, its CEO is taking a proactive approach to reversing the firm's fortunes

Building Your Business

Financial services firms and their regulators will be working to finalize and implement major regulatory reforms rule-makers also will be assessing the impact of recently…

Canadian investors can benefit from the anticipated rise of the U.S. dollar this year. But the picture is murky if your clients have exposure to…

Despite a subdued outlook, portfolio managers predict emerging markets will show improvement over last year. The challenge will be in picking stocks and sectors rather…

A rise in long-term interest rates amid the end of the Fed's quantitative easing program will make it more difficult to find the point at…

Although corporate, high-yield and global bonds offer a substantial pickup in yield over Government of Canada bonds, these higher-return issues come with their fair share…

The financial services sector made a strong showing in 2013, and portfolio managers expect that many companies, including banks and insurers, will benefit from healthy…

Canada’s small-capitalization equities market is unlikely to be particularly strong in 2014. “I would be tempering my return expectations to look for below historical averages,”…

After a year of strong recovery in several world markets, fund portfolio managers are focused on continuing to benefit from the economic recovery. But there…

The current downward trend in gold bullion prices could continue, especially if the global economic recovery accelerates and political threats abate. But some pessimists expect…

The bull market that ran rampant in the U.S. in 2013 will face some challenges in the year ahead, but U.S. stocks are expected to…

While growth rates have slowed from their peaks, Asia's markets outside China continue to expand at a world-beating pace. Exporting countries remain vulnerable to the…

Recent figures show a healthier rate of economic growth than earlier last year, when a slowdown looked to be in the cards for the globe's…

The Continent is still appealing, but portfolio managers caution that investors need to pick and choose, and that some countries still are struggling to extricate…

Excess capacity, combined with high unemployment, is keeping the CPI in check in the industrialized world. Europe, meanwhile, is flirting with deflation

The government is confronting its long-standing deflation, with an aggressive tax policy and labour reform. Many portfolio managers are optimistic about the effects of the…

With stronger growth globally as well as here in Canada, fund portfolio managers are paying close attention to cyclical stocks, such as those in the…

Some fund portfolio managers are focusing on stock selection in this tough environment. However, commodity prices should start to improve in 2015 as growth in…

Front Page

Hefty retention bonuses now come with vested stock options

OSC mystery shoppers seek “investor experience”

But perhaps not so great for fixed-income

Comment & Insight

The minority PQ faces a tough spring. But despite the poor economy, its incumbent status may win it the next election

WHEN FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT George W. Bush was informed of the gravity of the financial crisis in the autumn of 2008, with the accompanying need…

Oilsands crude is among the toughest to ship, from neighbouring First Nations rights to dealing with the oil's viscous texture

One reader opposes the position that banning embedded fees may hurt clients another questions banks' privacy practices

Focus on Products

Oakville, Ont.- based Harvest Portfolios Group Inc. has made changes to three of its funds: Harvest Sustainable Income Fund and Canadian Premium Select Fund have…

Toronto-based Franklin Templeton Investments Corp. has made allocation range changes for its Franklin Quotential Portfolios, as well as a fee realignment for certain global fixed-income…

Toronto-based CI Investments Inc. has appointed Marret Asset Management Inc. of Toronto as subadvisor to four mutual funds, effective on or before Jan. 31. Marret…

Toronto-based Manulife Mutual Funds has added five new funds to its lineup: Manulife U.S. Monthly High Income Fund, Manulife U.S. Dividend Class Fund, Manulife U.S.…

New index sheds light on hedge fund strategies

Fund portfolio managers expect non-inflationary growth

Investment research

Although global airline stocks were once viewed as pariahs, they now are worth considering for clients' portfolios