April 2018 front cover thumbnail

April 2018


Measures in the OSC’s Seniors Strategy are being adopted elsewhere

Mutual funds launch could make Vanguard a formidable competitor

Survey participants raise several concerns

Canadians' level of financial literacy is not improving despite attempts by the federal government and other groups to help consumers

Had the big banks and life insurers not taken significant charges, the average earnings gain would've been 29% rather than only 6.6%

Competing for shelf space will be more difficult, thanks to tightening product shelves and regulatory requirements

Regulators’ Report Card

Although the BCSC's ratings increased year-over-year, no other regulators in the survey experienced a similar fortune

The investment industry wants regulators to make a decision on embedded commissions once and for all

IE research journalist Anthony Burton spoke with 108 survey participants from across the investment industry

While some survey participants said regulators should be doing more about cybersecurity, others said the onus is on the industry

Provincial regulators were recognized for facilitating fintech, but some survey participants still had concerns

Regulators are doing a better job of protecting investors without restricting business, but more needs to be done

The OSC, BCSC and ASC were praised for making life easier for smaller dealers, but the same can't be said for the SROs and the…

There are complaints that larger firms comprise an outsized proportion of the SROs' boards and these firms have a greater voice

Building Your Business

As financial advisors struggle to deal with clients who may be experiencing a decline in their cognitive abilities, regulators are responding to the need for…

The emotional aspects of making the transition to retirement can be the most challenging of all. The cases of two advisors demonstrate the importance of…

Focus on Products

Better-performing funds in the sector have bypassed Canadian stocks and sought opportunities in the U.S. and Europe

Deferring government pensions is an option, but there are several other strategies your clients could use to manage longevity risk

Product Watch

Comment & Insight

Not long ago, journalists would spend a week or more parsing and analyzing the budget document