Wellington West Holdings Inc. Wednesday announced the launch of its new fund family, Nxt Funds. The funds incorporate the principles of behavioural finance into a diversified, one-stop investment that is available exclusively to clients of Wellington West.

Wellington West Asset Management Inc., a division of Wellington West Holdings Inc., actively manages the Nxt Funds portfolios. Chief Investment Officer, Sam Pellettieri, and the team focus on employing an active-analytical investment method that combines a study of behavioural finance with strong quantitative research.

“We use the insight from behavioural finance to construct portfolios and report performance so that our clients have a better emotional and financial experience with investing in volatile markets,” says Pellettieri.

“NxT Funds uses asset classes and investing styles that have often only been accessible in the portfolios of large institutions, to add true diversification to the portfolios and reduce volatility,” he adds.

The three portfolios are Nxt EQ35 Income & Growth, Nxt EQ60 Balanced and Nxt EQ75 Balanced Growth.

“Investors have been shell-shocked in recent times. Understanding investor emotion is key to managing biases like regret that tend to negatively influence investors and the markets, especially during periods of economic uncertainty,” says Dr. Meir Statmen, Glenn Klimek Professor of Finance, Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University, industry expert and consultant to the Nxt Funds Investment Committee. “Using the principles and theory of behavioural finance, Nxt Funds is able to better manage and anticipate these influences, resulting in a well-managed and responsive long-term investment solution.”