Scotia iTrade has introduced new simplified and transparent fixed income pricing for Canada’s retail self-directed investors, the division of Scotia Capital Inc. said Thursday.

Replacing traditional retail spread with commission-style pricing, fixed income bond trades will now be priced at $1 per $1,000 face value. A minimum commission of $19.99 applies to each trade.

“This is the next phase in the evolution of self-directed investing and once again Scotia iTrade is leading the charge,” says Bob Grant, managing director, online brokerage, Bank of Nova Scotia (TSX:BNS).

“Our goal with the new “Buck a Bond” initiative is to bring greater transparency to online bond pricing and simplify investing by offering an easy to navigate online trading platform,” Grant adds.

In addition to transparent and simplified pricing, Scotia iTrade offers investors a competitive bond marketplace with a large inventory of over 2,300 fixed income securities from multiple liquidity providers, and investor education on bond basics and strategies and fixed income investing.

“Self-directed investors recognize that fixed income can be a key component of a well-diversified portfolio, yet not all invest in them due to limited access or offerings,” continues Grant. “Providing greater value and improved access to fixed income securities trading and information will enable our customers to consider including fixed income in their overall investment strategy.”