Mississauga, Ont.-based IFS TECH is looking for advisors to test its new point-of-sale program, Fund Facts POS, launching this fall.

The program is meant to be a collaborative advisor/client portal for managing relationships and following the Mutual Fund POS Disclosure Reform compliance requirements, says IFS. The technology connects advisors with the latest fund company data that they can then pass on to clients.

Advisors can sign up to use a beta test account for the month of September by visiting the Fund Facts website. IFS is looking for a total of 200 advisors to be a part of the test. Registration for the beta account is free.

The program will officially launch on October 1. Advisors can choose between one of three account options. The first option, costing $35 per month, allows advisors to extract fund facts information. Account option number two, provides advisors with the ability to create a fund profile and is available for $40 per month. The third option allows advisors to use both functions of extracting information and creating a profile and will cost $70 per month. IFS Tech also offers dealers with 20 to 3000 advisors a volume discount on pricing.

Going forward the program will continuously be updated to incorporate new regulatory requirements, such as CRM2. “As new regulatory requirements for disclosure are introduced from the regulators it will become a one-stop shop for advisors trying to find all of their regulatory documents or documents to use in a point-of-sale setting with clients,” says Paul Walker, CEO, IFS TECH. “It’s a really, really comprehensive tool that will embrace the regulatory changes as they come about in the coming years.”