Latest news in Jamie Golombek

tax calculator with red button

Potential tax changes in light of a Liberal minority

Help clients understand how previously announced tax changes could come to light

Senior couple planning a holiday

Foreign pension income is usually taxable

Help clients understand — and budget for — taxes on their foreign pensions

Female tax inspector looking at corporate financial documents with magnifying glass

Advisors can help clients avoid TFSA overcontributions

Investors who may have overcontributed to their TFSAs face harsh penalty tax

Folder tab with the word tax

‘Loss of source’ rule may come in handy

Investors who borrowed money to purchase a now-defunct investment can still write off interest on the loan

closeup portrait, dumbfounded, flabbergasted man reading tablet

New stock options rules introduced

What advisors need to know before the rules take effect in January

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Appeal Court upholds RRSP overcontribution penalties

Recent FCA case confirms lower court decision denying relief of overcontribution tax, penalties and interest

tax inspector investigating financial documents through magnifying glass, forensic accounting or financial forensics, inspecting offshore company financial papers, documents and reports.

A cautionary tale on interest deductibility

A recent FCA case confirms a lower court’s decision restricting interest deductibility when ROC is involved

professional woman meeting male advisor

Canadians love their tax refunds

Advisors can play a huge role in helping clients understand how taxes affect their investments

Jamie’s top RRSP tips for clients

As the annual contribution deadline approaches, here are three ways to help your clients get the most from their RRSPs

Money saving concept, Vector illustration in flat style design, Piggy bank, calculator and hand with coin, Finance symbols and icon

Start 2019 off on the right tax foot

Your employee and retiree clients could take advantage of these astute tax-planning strategies for the current taxation year

young businessman thinking about alternatives

Taking advantage of TFSAs

With the annual dollar limit increasing in January, there’s no reason why your clients shouldn’t take advantage of this tax-free savings and investment vehicle

Businessman rotating cube to reveal number 2019

Top yearend tax tips

Make sure to discuss tax-loss selling, tax-gain donating and RRSP strategies with clients to whom these strategies apply

ax court nameplate on table with judge

TFSA advantage can lead to a tax of 100%

Next time a client has a desire to play games with his TFSA, point out this harsh — but legally valid — punitive tax

a date circled on a 15th day of a calendar with blue ink

Helping clients manage their tax instalments

The instalment system can be complicated, so clients need help figuring out which one of the three methods to pay their taxes makes the most…

US flag, blue graduation cap and diploma on old books

Beware the rules for foreign tuition tax credits

The case of a Canadian student studying in the U.S. brings to light what happens when CRA officials follow a strict and literal interpretation of…

ax court nameplate on table with judge

A summer RRSP project for advisors

Now is a great time to review your clients’ files to see if you have the most up-to-date information on their available RRSP contribution room

exhausted businessman holding a telephone

CRA call centres getting better, but still a ways to go

The federal tax agency is making the transition to a new telephone system that will connect callers with agents more efficiently

canadian and usa flags

IRA to RRSP transfers can be done — but be careful

The most important consideration in this process is whether a client can use his or her foreign tax credits against other income in the year…

economic growth gdp growth domestic product money stack chart

Foreign income tax tips and traps

Clients need to be aware of how the CRA’s treatment of income infrom foreign securities affects their investments

hand grabbing money bag

Act now to avoid losing out on the small business deduction in 2019

It’s important to be aware that the new rule limiting access to the small business deduction for CCPCs in 2019 is based on 2018 income

Businessman Using Calculator With Piggybank And Stack Of Coins On Desk

Making sense of the new passive income rules

Budget 2018 revealed the government’s new approach to passive income in a CCPC; let’s crunch some numbers

Piggy bank with money flat icon illustration

RRSPs remain the best choice for most clients

Although clients may be upset at having to pay taxes on their RRSP and RRIF withdrawals, RRSPs are the optimal, long-term savings vehicle for most…

Piggybank With Eyeglasses And Calculator On Wooden Table, TFSA, RRSP

Three tax resolutions for 2018

Here are three simple tax strategies you and your clients should keep in mind for minimizing taxes this year

Tips for yearend charitable donations

There are three key tax considerations you and your clients should keep in mind when making decisions on charitable donations for the end of 2017

Capital gains tax needs to be reduced or abolished

There are many benefits to be had for investors and the overall economy as a whole if the capital gains tax is eliminated