Now that you have uploaded a number of your videos onto a hosting site such as YouTube, your video channel can act as an online “calling card.” It can introduce you to prospective clients and make you more visible, says Sara Gilbert, founder of Strategist in Montreal.

Says Gilbert: “A video channel lets prospects learn more about you — your personality, your expertise and the chemistry that will help you work with any given client.”

Gilbert offers the following advice on how you can use your video channel as a way to connect with prospects:

> Make your videos searchable
YouTube is now the second-largest search engine in the world. Like Google, it is a key to helping you unlock the power of search engine optimization (SEO).

Typically, Gilbert says, a prospect who is considering engaging you as his or her advisor will do two things: search you on Google; and search you on YouTube.

Having your own video channel will significantly increase your SEO on YouTube. And once a prospect has found your channel, he or she is likely to view at least one of your videos

For more on SEO, see our special web feature: Know your SEO

> Appeal to multiple generations
Your own video channel helps you to reach various generations of prospective clients.

If you are trying to attract younger clients, having a quality video channel demonstrates that you are adept with the current modes of communication, which will reflect well on you as an advisor.

Older clients, on the other hand might be drawn to your video channel for more practical reasons. They may find that watching one of your videos gives them a significant amount of information in a few minutes, and is easier than reading an article.

> Don’t worry about the numbers
A long roster of subscribers to your video channel might look impressive, Gilbert says, but don’t be discouraged by a short subscription list. As in any prospect pipeline, it’s quality, not quantity, that counts.

YouTube, unlike its parent company, Google, does not filter search results geographically. So, your 1,000 subscribers could be located anywhere in the world — and most may be unlikely to become clients.

“The important thing,” Gilbert says, “is to know how to monetize your videos.”

So, instead of counting subscribers, focus your attention on providing content that will appeal to the prospects you want to attract.

This is the final instalment in a four-part series on using video as a business-building tool.