RBC Global Asset Management Inc. (RBCGAM) on Monday announced the launch of a suite of pools that invest in fixed-income markets around the world.

Available to fee-based advisors, RBC Fixed Income Pools are actively managed and leverage investment capabilities and expertise from the fixed-income teams at RBC Global Asset Management, Phillips, Hager & North Investment Management and BlueBay Asset Management.

RBC Conservative Bond Pool has an emphasis on shorter-term investment grade Canadian bonds and modest amounts of diversified global investment grade, high yield, emerging market debt and emerging market currencies.

RBC Core Bond Pool has a focus on core global investment grade bonds and higher-yielding assets.

RBC Core Plus Bond Pool has increased exposure to core global bonds, high yield corporate bonds, convertibles and emerging market currencies, corporate and sovereign debt.

“With the new RBC Fixed Income Pools, Canadian Investors will be able to draw on the deep experience and knowledge from our teams of specialists across RBC Global Asset Management with three low risk solution options that provide strong diversification and attractive yields,” says Doug Coulter, president, RBCGAM, in a statement.

The construction of pool starts with investments in Canadian investment grade bonds. Allocations to global government, corporate, high yield and emerging market bonds are then added to enhance yield and diversify risk. For added diversification, each pool includes an allocation to emerging market currencies — a unique zero-duration, high yield asset class — and developed-market currencies such as the U.S. dollar. Each investment in the pool is managed, monitored and tactically adjusted to adapt to current and expected market conditions.

The pools are offered in F-series and have a management fee of 0.40%. They are available to investors through full-service investment dealers.