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Keyword: Wills

47 results found
Judge looks at papers

Both sides appealed rulings involving rep inheriting client's estate

Rock bass biting a lure

Financial advisors can address property challenges, encourage clarity in wills

Ontario courts have the power to validate unsigned, unwitnessed documents as wills, raising risks for executors

Serving as a client's executor totally incompatible with rep's role, panel says

Dog in court

Core issue is ownership of the dog, which is considered property

Judge looks at papers

Former fund rep was named in clients' wills and solicited money from them


Handwritten notes are deemed a valid codicil

court of appeal and supreme court

Wills should consider various scenarios for the sequence of death among beneficiaries

Business lawyer team. Working together of lawyer in the meeting.

The case can either proceed to a contested hearing or the two sides may seek a new deal

technology email

Online wills services aren’t for everyone, but they can serve a wide range of clients