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Kensington Brooklyn Houses with American Flags stock photo

The country's GDP picked up between April and June: report

Fighting for empty office chair

Continuing claims have been on the rise in recent months

Crypto money

Canada-listed ether ETFs have had three years’ head start

home financing

The U.S. housing market has been mired in a slump dating back to 2022

ESG letters

Stronger net sales in Europe bolstered global sustainable fund industry

wood cut-outs

While the U.S. labour market remains historically healthy, recent data suggest some weakening

Happy face in the middle of sad faces

Rosy earnings forecasts underpinning stocks face downward revisions

online investing

Report comes amid upheaval in retail landscape

Interest rate graphic

Powell declined to provide any hints of when the first rate cut would occur

Federal Reserve

The Fed likely won’t wait until inflation reaches its 2% target before cutting rates, Powell tells House panel