Home RRIFs

Keyword: RRIFs

52 results found
Magnifying glass looking at financial data

Qualified investments review could lead to lower costs for investors but also restrictions

advisor-client meeting

Before 2023 ends, take advantage of these two planning points

In a client scenario, an advisor fails to plan for an estate’s tax liabilities

senior couple reviewing finances

Helping your clients decide how much to take out, and when, involves many variables

Strategic withdrawals allow clients to smooth out their income levels over retirement

Changes to RESPs and RDSPs, caps on payday loans and leeway to increase the CDIC limit are all law now

egg carton with one egg left

Study argues for providing Canadians more retirement savings room, allowing OAS/CPP deferral after 70

House of Commons in Ottawa

Study examines whether assumptions that underlie RRIF withdrawal factors are still appropriate


Department of Finance will wrap up its study in June

Elder couple planning

Financial planners must consider the complexity of client circumstances, according to research from FP Canada's foundation