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Keyword: Quebec

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Quebec flag billowing in the breeze

Prospectus filings decline, exempt offerings up in 2023, AMF reports

Quebec flag billowing in the breeze

Move mirrors announcement from the federal budget tabled Tuesday

Quebec flag billowing in the breeze

Quebec retirees can receive up to 59% more in QPP under recent changes

Frontenac Castle and Dufferin Terrace - Quebec City

Under the proposal, 77,000 people would see their pension increase starting next year, government says

Quebec flag billowing in the breeze

Government's review will also examine the expenses of its departments and agencies

Finance minister Eric Girard offers no precise timeline to balance books

Consumer protection and individual responsibility a core focus of the recommendations

Canada, provinces, map, red

Commodity producers to hold up better than interest-sensitive regions


High court rejects B.C. residents' challenge in alleged market manipulation case

puzzle piece

Interim executive director, Eric Jacob, to take the role permanently, starting Nov. 13