Keyword: Personal planning

139 results found

“Tech neck” is becoming an epidemic, but there is relief

RRSP season can bring on a hectic schedule of client meetings, late nights and other obligations. If you aren’t prepared, you could be left feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. And that can be bad for business. “When we get stressed and fatigued, we are more susceptible to being forgetful, moody and irritable,” says Jordan Friedman, stress-management […]

Feeling a little down - both mentally and physically - during the winter months is normal. There are ways to fight the winter blahs through exposure to daylight and healthy sleep habits. If depression occurs, help is available

This year is turning out to be a year for health and fitness software applications. A U.S. study by mobile advertising firm Flurry, now owned by Yahoo! Inc., reported a 62% increase in these kinds of apps over the first six months of 2014 vs a 33% rise in the usage of mobile apps overall. […]

Eggs, nuts, chickpeas, berries and sweet potatoes pack a nutritional punch that will help you stay healthy

Jet lag, a condition that plagues airline travellers who fly east or west between time zones, can result in a range of unpleasant effects on the mind and body. Irritability, mild depression, poor judgment, fatigue, digestive upsets, headaches and insomnia all are symptoms of jet lag. These symptoms can result in impaired ability to concentrate, […]

Eye strain, particularly the type caused by staring at a computer screen for too many hours in a day, can reduce your performance. A few simple habits can help you to avoid the worst effects of this common professional hazard

We all have days when our confidence seems to be lagging. An argument with our significant other, an unsatisfied client or just a run of bad luck can sap us of self-worth on any given day. However, when days turn into weeks, those doubts can affect your work. Although there is no simple cure for […]

Indulge your craving for salt and sugar by choosing nutritious goodies

Gluten-free products are popping up in every supermarket’s aisles. Despite the premium price tags, people are flocking to gluten-free options (such as bread, pasta and cereal), equating them with a healthier diet. But that is not necessarily the case, says Kate Comeau, a registered dietitian with Dietitians of Canada in Montreal. Gluten is a type […]