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Entrance to Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario

Minimum standards for credentialing bodies, and the robust process for approving those bodies, were determined after extensive consultations, writes Huston Loke

  • By: Huston Loke
  • September 23, 2022 September 23, 2022
  • 10:22
stack of files

Editorial: Task force’s work looks destined to suffer the fate of other policy reviews — gathering dust on some bureaucrat’s shelf

  • By: IE Staff
  • May 16, 2022 May 13, 2022
  • 00:02
Queen's park, Ontario

Bay Street and regulators are now in a relative calm after a regulatory storm

Ontario Legislative Building at Queens Park in Toronto Ontario

Tories also propose enhancing existing tax credit for low-income earners

Law concept - Law book with a wooden judges gavel on table in a courtroom or law enforcement office

Critics are concerned reform initiatives will become unmanageable

flag of ontario flying high on a flag post, against blue sky

No tax cuts were in the fall economic statement

Ontario Legislative Building at Queens Park in Toronto Ontario

The FAO warned that economic growth could slow if health measures and vaccinations fail to contain Covid-19

man working from home with baby

The province is also enhancing the CARE tax credit by 20% for 2021

School exam student's taking educational admission test in class, thinking hard, writing answer in university classroom, education and world literacy day concept (School exam student's taking educational admission test in class, thinking hard, writing

The refundable credit would provide up to $2,000 against training costs

Ontario Legislative Building at Queens Park in Toronto Ontario

Finance minister promises measures to "defeat" Covid-19 and ensure all residents are vaccinated