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38 results found
digital investing

Advisors can play a key role by educating clients about the historic — not hyped — investment opportunities

  • By: John Cook
  • May 15, 2024 May 15, 2024
  • 16:00
RBC Bank branch stock photo

The bank also reported little progress on reducing emissions of oil and gas financing

hands holding planet

Shift report downgrades CPPIB, gives AIMCo worst grade

responsible investments fossil fuels oil and gas energy sector

The investment manager says the money represents new capital

Modern office building close up in sunlight

National Bank was a notable outlier

Climate change board

The mixed results show firms still have a long way to go to meet Paris Agreement targets

oil pump

The strategy is a key part of the sector's decarbonization goals

climate change

Task force details progress and areas of improvement

Green planet

Firms not disclosing investments' negative ESG impact, Paris alignment

hands holding planet

Assets growing but portfolio companies not on track to avert disaster