Keyword: Financial benchmarks

83 results found

BofA fined over anti-spoofing supervision in U.S. Treasury markets

rules and regulations

Canada remained the last G20 country without conduct standards for OTC derivatives markets

Personal finances

OSC, AMF consult on new Term CORRA to help ease demise of CDOR

liquid dollar sign

U.S.-dollar LIBOR put to pasture as the first phase of CDOR reform ends

Signing bank documents

Rising rates, benchmark reform, commodity prices all affected activity

changes ahead sign

ASC, OSC give firms deadline extension on derivatives data reporting

Adoption of the new financial benchmark well underway

foreign country with stock market data

New study to look at the competitiveness of markets for benchmarks, credit ratings

Dollar sign blowing away

Bankers' Acceptances, which represent 20% of money market, expected to disappear in 2024

plan idea

Term CORRA to be available by Q3, but usage will be limited