Keyword: Estate planning

192 results found
Queen's Park, Ontario legislature, exterior

The province aims to streamline probate applications and speed the court review process

will and testament signature

Willful will be promoted to personal banking customers

agreement, attorney, auction, authority, balance, barrister, beam, scale, book, bookcase, books, brass, brown, business, colourconcept, contract, counsel, court, courthouse, courtroom, crime, criminal, decision, defendant, divorce, enforcement, financefreedom, gavel, government, guilt, guilty, hammer, horizontal, innocence, judge, judgement, judgment, judicial, justice, lawlawyer, legal, legislation, liberty, libra, litigation, mallet, prosecution, punishment, rights, scale, scales, scales, of, justice, sentencesymbol, symbolic, system, tax, trial, tribunal, truth, verdict, weight, will, wood, wooden

Rep violated MFDA rules, OSC rules and firm's policies, panel finds

wood chess pieces surrounding red piece

Jump the credibility curve with executors and beneficiaries

Business lawyer team. Working together of lawyer in the meeting.

Clients may have bare trust arrangements without being aware of them

will and testament signature

Conflicting case law continues to create uncertainty

Law concept - Law book with a wooden judges gavel on table in a courtroom or law enforcement office

B.C. court finds the daughter of a man who killed his mother is entitled to his share of her estate

  • By: IE Staff
  • February 9, 2022 February 9, 2022
  • 11:12
tax inspector investigating financial documents

Expanded trust reporting requirements announced four years ago were set to be effective, but feds still haven't passed legislation to enable them

huge family portrait with parents and six kids

Complex relationships are increasing the risk of litigation

  • By: IE Staff
  • November 29, 2021 November 29, 2021
  • 15:05
father and son conversation

At FP Canada's ethics session, financial planners were urged to proactively address client changes