Ending a marriage later in life can mean a big financial hit, as well as lots of new issues with adult children. Planning ahead can help ease the transition
Darren, a 48-year-old divorced father who has no company pension plan and only $200,000 in retirement savings is concerned that he may not have enough to fund his retirement. Two advisors recommend strategies for Darren to meet his goals
Karen Stewart, president and CEO, Fairway Divorce Solutions, explains how to clear the setbacks that can occur with divorcing clients. Stewart lists the stages clients experience during the divorce process, and how this affects decision-making. She spoke at her Vancouver office.
Karen Stewart, CEO and founder, Fairway Divorce Solutions, shares tips on resources for legal and support services for divorcing clients. She recommends advisors take the Certified Divorce Financial Planner course. Stewart spoke from her Vancouver office.
Karen Stewart, president and CEO, Fairway Divorce Solutions, explains how advisors can navigate the emotional, relational and financial aspects of a divorce so that net assets remain with clients. She spoke from her Vancouver office after her keynote address at the CIFPs conference.
Many boomers are worried that large portions of their estates could end up in the hands of a child's ex-spouse
Jennifer, a 60-year-old woman in Toronto, needs help in determining whether to blend her financial future with that of her new boyfriend. Two financial advisors recommend taking steps to ensure she makes the right decisions
Breaking up is harder for retired clients
Being a voice of calm advice can solidify relationships
Make sure both partners understand access