Keyword: Client feedback

21 results found

Finding out what clients really think can enhance your relationships

Rather than taking offence, say “thanks” and address the issue

  • By: Leah Golob
  • May 26, 2015 November 17, 2019
  • 09:40

Finding out why your client is leaving can benefit your business

Responses from clients can help you identify unmet client needs

Questions should cover four main areas. Include a “comments” section

Use a formal process and ask consistent questions

Having a proper feedback mechanism in place can help you identify clients at risk as well as give you insights into what clients want

Randy Ambrosie, president of Accretive Advisor, talks about the best ways to gather referrals from clients

Use a formal process and ask consistent questions

Setting up a client advisory board requires a commitment from you and a select group of clients. Meetings can be as simple as an hour-long discussion over coffee and bagels or as elaborate as a day of golf