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The government will be investing money to improve the fairness and integrity of the tax system as well as introduce new rules

  • By: Pablo Fuchs
  • February 27, 2018 November 9, 2019
  • 17:37

Budget 2018 extends a temporary measure to set up RDSPs in cases in which the capacity of the individual to enter into a contract is in doubt to the end of 2023

The government will be providing additional resources toward improving client services in three key areas at the CRA

The government will create a new Canadian Centre for Cybersecurity as well as a new National Cybercrime Co-ordination Unit

Government promises funding in budget to expand Statistics Canada’s work on several fronts

This year’s “hold the line” budget suggests the Liberals want to save their big guns for next year’s election campaign

Budget 2018 contained little mention of spending toward infrastructure and defence

This year’s federal budget is expected to include announcements on pay equity, parental leave, the federal deficit and much more

The goal behind the use-it-or-lose-it measure is to give parents more incentive to share child-rearing responsibilities

Any budgetary cyber-commitments would arrive at a time of intensifying fears over hacking threats on many fronts