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Keyword: Auto industry

23 results found
flags of usa and china painted on cracked wall

Cost of latest trade salvo is low, but it escalates tensions, Moody's says

Container Cargo ship and Cargo plane with working crane

Disruption to key global shipping lanes has varied credit impacts, DBRS says

Business chart with glowing arrows and world map

Merchandise trade down, services activity flat from previous quarter

luxury vehicle

Auto sector leads gain in wholesale activity as inventories shrink

stock market world economy abstract

Lower energy exports, higher dollar drive swing in trade balance

U.S. Canada flag

An extended blockade would have been toughest on the auto sector, a report from Fitch says

oil pump

Transition plans for large emitters put planet on track for 2.6C warming

Rear view of traffic jam with breaklights showing

Lessons learned from global financial crisis helped limit damage, BMO report says

The result topped the previous record for January set in 2002

Robust U.S. demand will improve exports for Canadian automakers

  • By: IE Staff
  • January 9, 2015 January 9, 2015
  • 15:20