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Company: World Bank

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stock market world economy abstract

For many countries, recession will be hard to avoid, the agency's president said

a man on a precipice

Outbreaks, bottlenecks expected to slow global growth

Many hands choosing cryptocurrency coins from box labeled ICO

Central bank crypto offers a fresh start on designing efficient payments systems

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Final payout condition is contagion rates in developing markets

Hospital workers

Funds will help developed markets combat the outbreak

3679756 - orange stock market world economy abstract background

Still, many global risks remain even as trade hostilities have lessened

The gloomier forecast reflects several supply and demand factors

Other commodity prices, including prices for natural gas and coal, are expected to remain weak

High-income countries need to seize opportunities offered by stronger growth in developing countries

TSX tumbles 350 points

  • By: IE Staff
  • June 22, 2009 June 22, 2009
  • 09:42