Home Crocus Investment Fund

Company: Crocus Investment Fund

20 results found
Man walks the ladder of success and reaches the top

Deloitte aims to make final payout in receivership that started in 2005

Units of Crocus were pulled from the market in 2004

Manitoba regulator says penalties would have been paid out of funds that could still be recovered by investors

Class-action lawsuit involving defunct fund has been settled

There are matters to be resolved, the receiver says. So, no money will be paid out in 2008

And after a three-year investigation of investment fund, the RCMP says no arrests are warranted

Negotiated settlements have garnered some $12 million that could make its way to unitholders

Settlements have been reached with all but one of the defendants in a lawsuit over the collapse of Manitoba’s Crocus Investment Fund.A Court of Queen’s Bench judge has been told that the fund’s former directors and officers, its auditors, the Manitoba Securities Commission and the Manitoba government have agreed to pay a total of $12 […]

  • By: IE Staff
  • February 25, 2008 February 25, 2008
  • 17:25

Chubb’s $4-million payout still leaves other defendants facing angry shareholders

  • By: Dan Lett
  • January 21, 2008 January 21, 2008
  • 12:08

Proposed deal would remove fund’s officers and directors as defendents

  • By: IE Staff
  • January 4, 2008 January 4, 2008
  • 11:30