Home Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organization

Company: Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organization

14 results found
man reading tablet and writing on paper

FSRA says higher fees due to rising technology, business costs

Entrance to Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario

New measures address the use of DSCs with existing contracts

Focus on Mutual Funds Special Report

Conflict of interest concerns spark regulators' review

rules and regulations

Insurance regulators promised new guidance on upfront compensation structures

Proposal would eliminate regulatory arbitrage between seg funds and mutual funds

angry client meeting

CSA, CCIR propose new cost reporting requirements for investment and seg funds

hit the target

CCIR-CISRO proposals aim to align incentive structures with fairness principles

Closed sign in a shop showroom with reflections

CCIR, CISRO consultation will also consider outright ban on upfront commissions

Business man signing a contract

Document outlines key principles that regulators expect insurers and intermediaries to engrain into their daily practices

Paper family of four under a paper cutout insurance umbrella

Proposal aims to “foster discussions between regulators, insurers and intermediaries on market conduct”