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Company: Advocis

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female advisor shaking hands with a young couple

Enrolment for association members will begin in November

The similarity of Advocis’ IAFE could create confusion

Paper family of four under a paper cutout insurance umbrella

The PST is being repealed retroactively to Aug. 1, 2017, the date the tax was implemented

  • By: Leah Golob
  • February 27, 2018 October 17, 2019
  • 11:15

Jim Virtue wants financial advice to be a profession and for Advocis to be at the heart of that profession

New name of relaunched CLU could create confusion with IAFP, ruling states

Much debate on new CE proposals

The collaboration offers Advocis members an expanded range of continuing education and professional development opportunities

  • By: IE Staff
  • December 14, 2017 February 2, 2019
  • 14:30

The MyMoneySmarts program is the start of a long-term plan by Advocis to promote financial literacy in support of the national financial literacy strategy

  • By: IE Staff
  • November 1, 2017 December 25, 2018
  • 11:35
Advocis takes stand against new Saskatchewan tax on life insurance

There are concerns that clients won’t be able to afford life insurance or that other jurisdictions may follow suit

Advocis encouraging advisors, clients to oppose commissions ban

The association is opposed to the idea of banning embedded commissions and is asking advisors and clients to contact their MPPs and make their voices heard

Although the provinces have not moved yet on the effort to see the creation of an SRO for advisors, clients could help tip the scale in that direction, experts say