Home Newspaper Mid-November 2005

Mid-November 2005

Comment & Insight

Prairie city fosters talent

Union Securities keeps telling the IDA that it will follow the rules — but doesn’t

New study says province faces an energy crisis if steps are not taken to address a raft of problems

Investment research

If you are an options trader who is serious about covered call option writing, you should take a look at the covered call calculator on…

Companies bulking up for anticipated growth

High-quality bonds recommended as energy prices, short-term interest rates and consumer debt rise

By studying these trends, investors can anticipate where the next bull sectors will be, and can look for investments in those areas

Above-ground silver reserves appear to be dwindling, putting a new shine on some older properties

Focus on Products

Laurentian Bank of Canada has teamed up with Toronto-based First Asset Advisory Service to introduce M3, a “multi-dimensional” managed account program for investors with $150,000…

CIBC and CIBC Asset Management Inc. have launched FULPAY DARTS deposit notes, Series 1, which aim to provide 100% principal protection. The notes are linked…

Mackenzie Financial Corp. has scheduled a shareholder meeting to vote on a proposal to merge Keystone AIM Trimark Canadian Equity Fund into Keystone Bissett Canadian…

Acuity Funds Ltd. has introduced Acuity Dividend Mutual Fund, which invests in Canadian and foreign dividend-paying shares. “This fund really complements our existing income product…

At Hartford Investments Canada Corp. in Toronto, Peter Higgins will assume joint responsibility with existing managers Steven Irons and Saul Pannell for daily investment decisions…

Quebec City-based Industrial Alliance and Financial Services Inc. has appointed Lyxor Asset Management as advisor of Multi-Strategy Fund and Global Trading Fund, effective immediately. “Lyxor…

New software helps mutual fund managers meet regulatory requirements

U.S. study finds those with emotional control issues are less averse to risk

Provincial medical plans aren’t as encompassing as before, so clients may face problems abroad without coverage for their risk level

Set up like an RRSP, money could be saved on a tax-deferred basis for family member with a disability

New CIO Steve MacInnes plans to elevate Real Assets’ portfolio management and broaden its mutual fund base

Biggest threats to markets such as Russia, Brazil and Turkey come from high world oil prices and rising U.S. interest rates

Anxious to address the shifting investment needs of aging investors, fund and insurance companies have brought life-cycle funds to the table, with Fidelity Investments Canada…

Building Your Business

One-third of Canadian investors plan to keep working after the mandatory retirement age

The 40-plus client with no RRSP will need special efforts to finance retirement

New federal legislation that would shield RRSPs from creditors only if the planholder goes bankrupt does not go far enough to protect consumers, industry groups…

Low interest rates, combined with tax benefits and long-term compound growth, make these loans extremely attractive

They cost more than mutual funds, but offer principal and creditor protection

But if clients want to be certain of getting a set sum in a few years, nothing beats a Government of Canada T-bill or a…

An aggressive investment strategy aimed at boosting returns can increase the risk beyond client’s comfort level

Kids will probably want to buy an iPod, but they’re never too young to put earned money into an RRSP

Longer lifespans and a variety of financial options are giving the old axiom “life is full of choices” new meaning for those in their retirement…

Cultivating group RRSP business is a lot like planting a crop: it takes a significant time commitment up front to ensure a good yield later…

But advisors can add value by showing investors the short- and long-term benefits of these plans

It sounds appealing, but set-up costs and fees are are high. And you have to have a bundle in your plan

The Homebuyers’ Plan and the Lifelong Learning Plan give investors opportunities to use their RRSPs interest-free

Low-income clients aren’t affected, and high-income clients shouldn’t care

Here are some strategies to help you get through the busiest time of year

Using one of these strategies, it is possible to make the $2,000 RRSP overcontribution rule work to your client’s advantage

Advisors can help clients avoid fees, taxes and unintended consequences

Many Canadians see their RRSP only as a way to cut taxable income — so they may not be aware of the finer points

Industry groups urge government changes so that Canadians can better prepare for retirement


Industry leaders want to beef up the standards — and earn brokers a larger stake in the business

Winnipeg-based firm buys 50% stake in a California firm, and has its sights set on other U.S.targets

In the absence of advances toward a more efficient structure, fresh ideas for modernizing existing systems are welcome

Value Partners Investments Inc. set to offer three funds with lower-than-average fees

Former National Bank Financial employees take two NBF divisions under their collective wing

Uncle Sam doesn’t take kindly to any arrangement designed to evade U.S. taxes

Ottawa has identified three possible solutions, but the favourite of the experts is also the most expensive one available

CI Fund’s hostile bid for the smaller firm reflects CI’s need to do something with the cash it generates

The CIBC subsidiary is also fine-tuning and integrating its product lineup

But Manitoba Federation of Labour not giving up on its efforts just yet; ENSIS also has some ideas

“Heaped compensation,” paid in the early years of the contract, makes it difficult to sell books

Possible changes to health and welfare trusts could alter the way small-business clients fund certain employee benefits

Ontario reviews its legislation and offers some important changes

An international initiative to develop worldwide standards for financial planning could result in abuses by advisors who declare themselves qualified even though they are not…

Shining some sunlight into the workings of group retirement plans is surely a good thing in its own right. But if it also has the…

After more than a decade of discussion, drafting and consultation, the Maritime provinces are moving ahead with harmonized insurance legislation that will bring consistency to…

The Investment Dealers Association of Canada is finally taking the plunge and changing its mandate, sloughing off its lobbying function in order to focus on…