Newspaper May 2017

May 2017


Regulator wants to hear something new in embedded fee debate

Wellington-Altus is on the hunt for entrepreneurial advisors

Banks are building digital connections with clients

Court decision means a former spouse loses access to life insurance proceeds because of change to beneficiary in ex-spouse's policy

Insurer consolidates its distribution activities with those of its subsidiaries. Is there more to come?

Enforcement investigations and prosecutions on the rise

Survey data indicate that DIY investors are a potential source of clients for insurance advisors

The head of Scotiabank's aggressive push into an international tech makeover says the transformation is being driven by disruptive forces already in motion

Brokerage Report Card

There are several reasons why advisors with bank-owned investment dealers are unhappy this year, but the shift from being "bank-owned" to "bank-run" is the most…

How advisors rated their firms

Other key metrics also shifted: higher-value accounts now make up a growing proportion of the average book fee- and asset-based sources of revenue continue to…

Ratings for TD Wealth Private Investment Advice, BMO Nesbitt Burns and ScotiaMcLeod swung dramatically this year for a variety of reasons. Corporate culture, strategy and…

The difference between how advisors with bank-owned dealers and their counterparts with independent firms feel about their corporate culture is more pronounced

A remarkable 71% of investment advisors support the CSA's proposal to introduce a best interest standard due to the need to elevate industry standards across…

There is growing sentiment that financial advice is increasingly available only to high net-worth investors

The enhanced performance and fee disclosure included in client account statements have yet to make the impact many advisors expected - although some advisors point…

Building Your Business

Stan Tepner, a former rock music critic, uses his background as an accountant to help him create tax-smart financial plans for his clients

When hammering out a plan to join forces with another advisor, your experience in bargaining with clients and others may help you strike a deal.…

Although disconnecting completely from your office is still the best way to get a restful vacation, some advisors have found ways to check in without…

The average face-to-face interaction with a client involves at least two hours when you include preparation time. Why not spend five minutes to increase your…

Focus on Products

Portfolio managers point to positive developments in the economies of India and China

Investment research

Interest rates reflect many things, but, generally, in the bond world, they frame risks of inflation and default. With the perceived risk of higher rates…

Rising interest rates and a friendly regime in Washington could set the stage for healthy profits at many U.S. banks

Comment & Insight

The time for repairs in key areas is when political capital is high. Those riches won’t last forever.