Home Newspaper February 2013

February 2013

Investment research

Investing in the stocks of Canada's Big Six banks has much appeal

Political stability is sure to have an impact on interest rates, and thus also affect bond prices and yields

Although SRI excludes sectors and companies with impact that is deemed to be harmful, most stocks pass the eligibility test

Report on the Nation

The Rock is expected to be a leader in economic growth once again, despite a shaky public-sector financial picture

Aerospace will not grow as rapidly as in 2013. And reduced public spending will also hurt the island province

Forestry is expected to rebound, but mining and construction will still be sore spots for New Brunswick's struggling economy

Megaprojects, rising U.S. demand and lower government spending in Nova Scotia should mean better days ahead

The province, which has very slow growth and a huge debt, is likely to continue to walk the economic tightrope this year

Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut

The Keystone province continues its steady, stable growth. Yet, a few clouds are on the horizon, including lower global demand

The ongoing expansion of the potash industry is the main reason why the province is leading Canada in growth

Strong growth is expected for the fourth straight year in Alberta. But there are a range of challenges

Possible change in government could have implications for B.C.'s steadily improving economy

Spending cuts and higher exports needed to reduce debt


FAIR Canada's founder, Ermanno Pascutto, has seen his share of successes in the years he has led the investor advocacy body

In an effort to raise standards of proficiency, program offers training in financial planning and building a mutual funds practice

Central to understanding your clients' profiles is realizing that they often overestimate their risk tolerance

Ottawa's new plan relies on committing public money and leaning heavily on the private sector for expertise

The National Exempt Market Association will be putting together educational programs, among other initiatives

The number of prosecutions hit record levels, while penalties handed out against individual reps also continued to grow

An extra hit on investment income for Americans, including those living abroad, could be a real source of financial pain

Toronto-based GMP Capital Inc. has entered into an agreement with Montreal-based Fiera Capital Corp. in which the latter will purchase roughly $570 million in assets…

Richard Waugh, former president and current CEO of Bank of Nova Scotia, has been named an officer of the Order of Canada. He was recognized…

The Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and the TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV) are first in the world for new listings for the fourth year in a…

Vancouver-based Credential Securities Inc., a subsidiary of Credential Financial Inc., is now a self-clearing brokerage firm. Credential’s trading desk will be based in Montreal and…

Jean Desgagne has been named as the new president and CEO of the Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd. (CDS), Canada’s national securities depository, clearing and…

Brian Bridger, director, analytics and data, with Toronto-based Fundata Canada Inc., has been elected the new chairman of the Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC),…

Toronto-based Sun Life Financial Inc. and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia-based Khazanah Nasional Berhad have partnered to purchase 98% of both CIMB Aviva Assurance Berhad, a Malaysian…

Vancouver-based Matrix Asset Management Inc. has announced that G. Peter Marshall has resigned from its board of directors. Marshall announced his departure on Jan. 3.…

Focus on Products

Are those with high IQs better investors?

The alternative may be a ban on sales commissions

The days of double-digit returns are behind us, fund manager says

Mawer Investment is the big winner in fund family performance

Toronto-based Fidelity Investments Canada ULC has appointed Steve DuFour, U.S. equities portfolio manager with Fidelity, to assume portfolio-management responsibilities for Fidelity Growth America Fund. DuFour…

Toronto-based Matrix Asset Management Inc., the portfolio manager of Matrix mutual funds, has announced that it will become the portfolio advisor for three funds –…

Toronto-based Sun Life Global Investments (Canada) Inc. has launched four new income funds and a new equity/value fund in introducing two new Sun Life Granite…

Toronto-based Horizons Exchange Traded Funds Inc., along with its affiliate, AlphaPro Management Inc., has introduced a new exchange-traded fund (ETF) to its lineup. Horizons Active…

Building Your Business

Try these four steps

Although Tim and Glenda will easily meet their retirement goals, they need to decide whether Tim takes on a new job, as well as what…

Stephen Cox, a financial planner in Halifax, focuses on a process to find out what his clients need. Then, he helps them realize their goals.…

New research suggests frequent workouts are not sufficient to keep you healthy if you spend most of your time sitting. The easiest solution is to…

Your computer, your cellphone and even your web browser can be harnessed to help you to keep on top of your to-do list. The tool…

Help your older clients avoid common blunders involving insurance, debt, taxes and other issues, which can derail their plans

With many Canadian workers lacking disability insurance coverage, this line of products represents a big market that advisors could be tapping into. The chances of…

Whether married or living common-law, clients in same-sex relationships face financial planning challenges. Understanding the financial and legal issues, as well as the personal nuances,…

Developing a disaster plan or contingency plan forces you to think about your own mortality - and morbidity. But that's a good thing to do…

While most advisors do a reasonably good job of communicating with their clients, many display little emphasis on attracting new business through prospecting

The pinboard website first became popular among hobbyists, who would "pin" or upload images of items such as knitting projects. Today, businesses - and financial…

Comment & Insight

Former prime minister Brian Mulroney says the Quebec model is one that should be looked at closely

Increasing house prices - and property taxes - are taking their toll

It's time to enhance trust between clients and advisors

Oil producers are turning to the railway as an alternative to expensive pipelines

After 45 years, Montreal finally has a new bypass. But its spinoffs could also run into massive delays

Driverless cars and smart machines are eager to do our chores and thinking, but nothing beats the flying alarm clock

Front Page

MGA’s partnership model is “like a joint venture,” CEO says

Many securities firms are struggling to remain profitable