Standard Life has teamed up with fund research firm Morningstar Canada to provide group plan sponsors and members with ehanced investment information.

Both plan sponsors and plan members can benefit from a new format that not only provides more comprehensive information that meets CAP Guidelines such as Risk Factor and Portfolio Analysis, but that is also more user-friendly.

“The custom designed information sheets are unique to Standard Life, and are designed to meet members’ needs,” said Anthony Cardone, senior vp group savings and retirement, Standard Life. “By understanding our clients’ needs, we have been able to achieve the right balance – information that is comprehensive without being overwhelming. This of course was the driving force behind this initiative. And, with the more visual approach to the presentation of more complete information such as Fund Operating Expenses and Performance Charts, members will be able to make sound and better informed investment decisions with greater ease.”

Standard Life has been able to tap into Morningstar’s sophistication in data gathering capabilities and use this expertise to its greatest advantage.