HSBC Global Asset Management (Canada) Ltd. has launched World Selection, an innovative range of multi-asset portfolios that provide access to what HSBC considers to be some of the best managers throughout the world.

World Selection is a discretionary portfolio management service giving clients access to some of the world’s leading investment managers. It will be offered to HSBC customers across Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East, and the Americas taking advantage of HSBC’s worldwide reach. In Canada, the Portfolio Advantage service will be renamed World Selection.

Under the service, assets of participating clients are invested in HSBC Pooled Funds, which are mutual funds managed by HSBC Global Asset Management and distributed by HSBC Investment Funds (Canada) Inc. and other authorized dealers.

“HSBC is uniquely positioned to deliver a global investment solution such as World Selection to our customers, drawing on significant resources and expertise within HSBC, and combining these with the skills of the best investment managers in their areas of expertise. This delivers a world-class wealth management service to the Canadian marketplace,” Marc Cevey, CEO of HSBC Global Asset Management in Canada.

Each of the World Selection portfolios are expertly constructed for a particular customer risk profile, ranging from a conservative investor to one willing to take a comparatively high level of risk in exchange for potentially higher growth.

Within World Selection, customers are offered a globally diversified mix of asset classes, with HSBC Global Asset Management taking care of overall portfolio strategy, day-to-day active management of the portfolios’ asset mix and due diligence of participating investment managers and underlying investments.