The Ontario Superior Court of Justice has refused to quash a proposed judicial review of the Canadian Public Accountability Board (CPAB).

The CPAB brought a motion seeking to quash an application for judicial review brought by the Certified General Accountants Association of Canada.

According to the decision, in its application, CGA-Canada is seeking: a declaration that CPAB is subject to the rules of natural justice and procedural fairness, and a declaration that CPAB’s structure does not meet the requirements of natural justice and procedural fairness for a variety of reasons.

Among other things, it claims that the CPAB lacks fair representation from CGAs, that it is structurally biased towards chartered accountants, and is not institutionally independent of CAs.

None of these claims have been proven. And, indeed, the CPAB sought an order to quash the application for judicial review on several grounds. The court notes that, according to CPAB, “the declaratory relief sought by CGA-Canada is sought merely for its political objectives of seeking an expanded role for certified general accountants in the auditing of public companies.”

CGA-Canada opposed the motion to quash its application. And, the court has ruled in its favour, dismissing the CPAB’s motion.