You can tame those butterflies in your stomach the next time you attend a big networking event.

If you want to grow your business, says Joshua Zuchter, a life and business coach in Toronto, you have to grow yourself. And that means confronting any nervousness or anxiety you feel about being in large groups, such as at a networking event.

Zuchter offers five tips to help you get a handle on your nerves and feel more comfortable at your next business function:

1. Take a deep breath
Once you arrive at the event, take a minute to relax and breathe deeply.

When you are anxious or tense, Zuchter says, your mind is racing from topic to topic. A deep breath can help you relax your mind and focus on the event.

Breathe in slowly and deeply for six to eight counts, then release, letting go of your tension and anxiety.

2. Make the event smaller
At a large event, consider just one person instead of the entire room.

“Rather than thinking about the enormous task of connecting with many people,” Zuchter says, “focus on meeting just one.”

3. Prepare some talking points
Often, feelings of anxiety in social situations stem from not knowing what to say, according to Zuchter. Having a few ideas ready can prevent that anxiety.

Think of some questions to ask or topics to discuss before attending the event, Zuchter says. Have your ideas written on a small card that you can hide away when you start a conversation.

4. Relax your mind
Meditation can calm your nerves and make you feel more comfortable at business events.

Practising meditation for 10 to 15 minutes a day, even if it’s just closing your eyes and quieting your mind, says Zuchter, will make you feel more relaxed in general. You will be less likely to tense up before an event.

5. Practise
The more often you attend large events, the less anxious you will become. Make it a routine.

Instead of avoiding business functions at which you will be forced to talk to people you don’t know, sign up for more, Zuchter says. Think of it as practice to get rid of your anxiety.