PEAK Financial Group on Tuesday announced the implementation of a new financing program geared to planners wishing to acquire another planner’s business.

“We believe that the next major wave of consolidations in our industry could be concentrated at the planner and advisor level” said Robert Frances, PEAK’s president and CEO.

“Many veteran planners are either considering curbing their work load or totally retiring. On the other hand, younger planners are looking to expand their clientele base. This program will be an intermediary between groups, and should be of immense value to both of them,” he added.

Details of the program are fully covered in an information kit. In addition, tools for the requisite calculations and specific valuation models are an integral part of the package and should provide individuals a fairly accurate idea of the amount of loan to which they may be entitled.

“It’s a top-flight idea and coupled with the PEAK automated transfer system, planners will be well-positioned to secure additional business,” Frances said.