PCJ Absolute Return Fund is now available to individual investors through an offering memorandum, CC&L Financial Group says.

An affiliate manager within the CC&L, PCJ Investment Counsel Ltd. (PCJ) was founded in 1996, and currently manages $3.5 billion in assets across large & small cap Canadian equities in addition to the Absolute Return portfolio, which was launched as an institutional pool in January 2012.

The fund seeks to deliver positive absolute returns of 8% net of all fees with low correlation to equity markets, and the underlying pooled fund has exceeded those objectives in over three years since inception.

The fund reflects the PCJ team’s highest conviction ideas in all sectors, both long and short, opportunistically across Canadian and U.S. equities. The team uses trade construction and disciplined risk management to then neutralize net market exposure (beta).

Given the strategy’s objective and track record of delivering positive absolute returns that are lowly correlated to other asset classes, PCJ Absolute Return Fund can enhance the risk adjusted return profile of a traditional portfolio.

CC&L says the strategy has also exhibited low correlation to its other alternative funds, managed by Connor, Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd., making it an attractive complement to those funds as well.

The fund is listed on FundServ.