Home Philip Slayton

The ride-sharing service is ubiquitous, despite municipal bylaws that make use of the taxi-business busting service illegal. What happens when laws are passed and no one cares?

  • April 21, 2016 October 29, 2019
  • 23:00

A homegrown entrepreneur has created a world-class tourist destination on Fogo Island. What does it mean for the people who live there?

  • August 20, 2015 October 29, 2019
  • 23:00

When it comes to long-term care, the real issue is not early death, but long life

  • May 21, 2015 October 29, 2019
  • 23:00

The latest events used to be spread by a lone newsman shouting from a street corner the digital world is renewing that tradition. What's next for dailies?

  • January 15, 2015 October 29, 2019
  • 00:00

Nova Scotia's aging industrial base seems to be past saving. Other, low-tech alternatives need to be explored more fully

  • October 14, 2014 October 29, 2019
  • 23:00

Tourism will get a boost from the restoration of the Yarmouth ferry. But both its shipboard gamblers and Nova Scotia are likely to lose money

  • October 27, 2013 October 29, 2019
  • 23:00

Nova Scotia's projected surplus appears to fulfil a promise by the premier to balance the budget. But some pundits smell a rat

  • May 24, 2013 October 29, 2019
  • 12:00

The recent troubles of local paper mills in Nova Scotia point to a deeper problem

  • September 19, 2012 October 29, 2019
  • 23:00

The Supreme Court’s thumbs-down on a national securities regulator fails to take note of modern realities

  • January 23, 2012 October 29, 2019
  • 15:47

The digital revolution is changing the Nova Scotia economy in unforeseen ways

  • October 31, 2011 October 29, 2019
  • 14:49