Anthony MacGuinness is head of the Quantitative Strategies Group at Irish Life Investment Managers. A member of the Executive Management team and the Fund Management Executive, he leads the research and development of ILIM’s quantitative investment strategies and portfolio solutions for the institutional and retail market. In recent years, Anthony and his team have been responsible for developing ILIM’s range of multi-factor active equity funds and risk management strategies, including the Dynamic Share to Cash and Global Low Volatility Strategies. In addition, his team is responsible for ILIM’s flagship multi-asset fund range (MAPS). Prior to joining ILIM, Anthony worked in quantitative research roles for Irish National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA), and Pioneer Investment Managers. He holds a primary degree in Economics from Trinity College Dublin and holds both the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) designations.
Investment strategist Anthony MacGuinness suggests advisors think differently about building portfolios