Keyword: Tax planning

289 results found
House for sale

The agency will also be releasing a consolidated T4 slip for FHSA account holders

Tax inspection

Expanded reporting regime is intended to help the CRA fight aggressive tax planning

Exterior of CRA headquarters building

Advisors will need to consider whether to report transactions even if they're not required to

Savings money jar full of coins concept for saving or investment for a house, retirement or education

Strategic withdrawals allow clients to smooth out their income levels over retirement

House of Commons in Ottawa

Here’s the status of tax proposals that matter to your clients

advisor investor trust

Behavioural coaching once again added the most value

  • By: IE Staff
  • June 12, 2023 June 12, 2023
  • 16:17

The agency said all paper returns “will be stockpiled for future processing"

House placed on coins Men's hand is planning savings money of coins to buy a home concept concept for property ladder, mortgage and real estate investment. for saving or investment for a house,

The low take-up means the federal government spent less than it allocated for the measures

House of Commons in Ottawa

Here’s the status of tax proposals that matter to your clients

home ownership

Firms are scrambling to set up back-office systems and internal procedures for the complex accounts