Members of the Toronto-based Alternative Investment Association Canada (AIMA) will now have stronger local voices with the establishment of two regional committees in Alberta and British Columbia.
This brings the number of AIMA Canada regional committees to three – the Quebec committee was founded in 2010.
The regional committees will offer social and educational events for members, providing a forum for issues affecting regional hedge fund managers and associated service providers and ensure that the association’s mandates are implemented regionally.
The Alberta and B.C. committees were initiated by AIMA Canada after members expressed an interest last year, says James Burron, chief operating officer, AIMA Canada, in having more localized representation and support.
There are “hedge funds popping up everywhere” in Canada, says Burron, and these committees will allow service providers to help a local company get started. As well, hedge fund companies can enjoy working with providers who know and understand the provincial regulator for its specific region.
AIMA Canada was formed in 2003 as an advocacy group for the alternative investment industry in Canada and now has roughly 100 corporate members.
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