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work from home

Working from home made tech ETFs one of 2020’s most exciting investments

Forward-thinking investors may want to consider adding technology ETFs to their portfolios

young woman with question mark on a gray background

Why aren’t advisors using ETFs in their portfolios?

Examining five reasons why advisors say they aren’t using ETFs

businesswoman thinking

Understanding the role of indexes in today’s markets

Help your clients understand indexes and the ETFs that track them

birthday cake

Getting better with age: ETFs turn 30

A look back at how the ETF landscape has evolved — and what to expect from the years to come

Businessman balancing bear bull financial managing stock market illustration

From 1987 to 2020: perspectives on bear markets

It is virtually impossible to predict the opportune time to exit or re-enter the stock market

Shot of two businesspeople working together on a laptop in an office

Keep calm and listen to your clients

We haven’t been through anything like this, but we’ve been through similar crises and recovered

Quebec’s “comeback kids”

These politicians had left politics, only to return in decidedly different roles and with new ambitions

Alberta flag in front of setting sun

No need to panic

Alberta's prospects are much better than the media and separatist movement make them seem

The planet is the winner

Trudeau managed to get elected advocating a carbon tax - after buying an oil pipeline

Toronto Port Lands

Along came Google

Toronto's Port Lands have long been neglected, but are local residents ready for Sidewalk Labs?

Game on?

Plans for an East Coast football team continue to experience setbacks

Lack of trust

Voters in British Columbia sent a mixed bag of MPs to Ottawa - and a message to Trudeau

  • By: Brian Lewis
  • November 1, 2019 November 17, 2019
  • 00:01

Minority government likely

If we can get past Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s blackface picture, Green Party leader Elizabeth May’s photoshopped coffee cup and Conservative leader Andrew Scheer’s embellished…

The U.K.’s deepening wounds

Brexit isn't the only story unfolding in Britain, but it is the loudest

Midstreamers stay afloat

Companies that own oil pipelines and refineries are not affected by commodity prices

Take that, Ontario

Premier François Legault is riding a $7.5-billion surplus

Government blown off course

The budget bill is missing key measures announced in the March 22 budget

Parliament buildings on a sunny day

Attack of the premiers

Andrew Scheer may lead the federal Conservatives, but Jason Kenney and Doug Ford have set the narrative for the October federal election

Parliament buildings on a sunny day

“Don’t forget the budget”

The Liberals want voters to keep thinking about the budget — and not the SNC-Lavalin scandal

Interior view of the Canada Commons of Parliament

Why the change of heart?

The SNC-Lavalin affair deserves a royal commission, but not for the reason most people would expect

Mountain Range in British Columbia`

The pipeline problem

Ottawa and the provinces must deal with Indigenous peoples and investors in an open-handed way

Rideau Canal skating rink, Parliament of Canada in winter

Advantage: Trudeau – for now


notepad, laptop and coffee cup on wood table

Dear Investment Executive reader

We apologize for this week’s web troubles

  • By: IE Staff
  • December 7, 2018 November 17, 2019
  • 09:15

Getting emotional about carbon

Pierre Trudeau learned in 1972 that he could be a prophet or a politician, but he couldn't be both

flags of usa and china painted on cracked wall

Out of chaos, a strategy

With trade deals revised, the U.S. looks determined to remake the world’s trading system to isolate China