First there was social media. Now there are social media “dashboards,” programs that aggregate multiple social media platforms into a single, central hub for easy viewing. For advisors, they represent a leap forward when it comes to using social media to reach clients.

“Dashboards are very practical [tools] that can help you distribute your message more easily and efficiently across social networks,” says Sara Gilbert, founder of advisor consulting company, Strategist, in Montreal.

Dashboards can be a helpful time saver if, for example, you actively use Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter in your business or you are experimenting with different channels to find your feet, but don’t want to click back to check each site individually for new messages.

Gilbert offers some tips on how you can use dashboards to be a more “plugged-in” communicator:

> Simplify your system

One of the major advantages dashboards offer is an auto-schedule feature for posting articles or other links to your account.

That means you don’t have to be continually in front of your computer to share interesting links with your clients all day long. Instead, you can set aside a pre-defined block of time during your week to compile all the material you would like to share and decide when the best time these features to share would be.

The same holds true if you are planning on taking that last-minute summer vacation you’ve been thinking about.

> Using ‘big data’ to your advantage
In addition to the auto-scheduling feature, dashboards can help you increase the reach of your online posts.

For example, Vancouver-based Hootsuite, which is one of the most widely used social media dashboards, will analyze when the best time would be to post an article in a specific LinkedIn group, based on when there is statistically the most activity.

“Few are on LinkedIn at night, so you can schedule posts at premium times when you know there will be activity in your network,” Gilbert says.

> Build lists
Dashboards can also help you break down connections into lists to help monitor what others in your network are talking about.

For example, you might want to create separate lists for clients, prospects and “thought leaders” whom you draw on for interesting third-party material.

Doing this will not only make it easier to identify material you would like to share with others, but it can also make it easier to stay up to date on what kinds of products or services your network might be looking for.

> Work on your relationship
Using a dashboard to execute your social media activities can save manpower. The caveat, Gilbert says, is not to assume it’s the silver bullet for all your social networking.

“Dashboards will post [for you] but they won’t connect with people or comment,” says Gilbert. “The advisor and their team still must do the relationship management.”

Gilbert recommends that you spend about 15 minutes per day on social media to strategize and to cultivate your virtual relationships.

This is the sixth installment in an occasional series on how you can use client data to help you grow your business